An IMCP is an on-going, written, living compliance program that is customized to your imports and will grow with your international business. It is greater then a set of stagnant written rules and procedures that will be built into your import process. It will be your way of conducting imports from your location while in compliance on every import.
An IMCP is broken down into three areas: Administrative, order processing and Classification. The first step in creating an IMCP is to have Allocca Enterprises conduct a 1-day Import audit/training conducted at your facility. This readiness assessment (audit) will be the first step towards achieving the future goal of helping establish, implement and maintain your own IMCP.
Topics Include
- Import procedures- meet with each department involved in the import process from purchasing, production, accounting, and receiving to understand the flow of the import process and review general import compliance procedures.
- Understand if there are or should be any US goods returned, TIBs (temporary importation bonds, duty drawback or FTZs (foreign trade zones) in place.
- Look at the use of your surety bond and power of attorneys with your customs brokers.
- Review International documentation- Proformas, commercial invoices, packing lists, bills of lading, certificates of origin, entry summaries.
- Samples, valuation & transfer pricing what constitutes a sample, are you using the transaction value method for valuation, how do you determine transfer price.
- HTS- Harmonized Tariff Schedule do you have a list of each product, when was it last updated, and how do you know if the HTS # is accurate.
- Insurance- What coverage do you have and at what point in the transaction
- Marking requirements is origin marking complete/accurate
- Review your current international terms and conditions write-up
- Purchase Order - Are you covering all areas of exposure
- NAFTA Certificates are you obtaining them if your goods qualify, do you know how to use them for proof on your exports.
- Incoterm usage what terms are you using and why
- Security requirements From physical security to internal security procedures.
- Record keeping- Are you keeping all required A1A documents, if so where and for how long.
- Warehouse and receiving procedures what are they and when are you required to notify customs of variations from documentation.
- FAST, CSI, 24 hour rule, ISA, what are these customs programs and how do they affect you?
- ISF 10 + 2 Importer Security filings what do I need to send to CBP
- Lacey Act, CPSIA What are they, do they affect my products
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